The tender and nostalgic song of the beginning appears in a deeply peaceful and luminous atmosphere. This unique and omnipresent theme in the work, carried by warm harmonies, continues to rise, desperate, until reaching a poignant climax.
The doors of a celestial music open then, the instruments remain suspended in the acute register whereas a violin (or the piano in the present reduction), Angel comforter, is introduced in the speech.
The song is then tense and evolves in a tragic and black atmosphere. The tempi accelerate, the trumpet comes alive nervously until the song, bursting and victorious, is expressed in long values. The Song of the Soul is then reduced to a simple knell, evoking a marine trumpet, and abandons to the orchestra the ultimate statement of the theme.
The work ends in a climate of bliss that contrasts with the previous atmosphere to dispel feelings and musical elements.
Duration: 6 minutes 30