Family game
44 large cards of 7 x 12 cm 7 families of instruments 42 paintings From 6 to 99 years old!
"In the Brass family, I'd like The Cornet Pistons! "
This game of families, educational game, game of general culture, whose cards are beautifully illustrated by beautiful paintings, consists of gathering 6 paintings to build a family, then the maximum of families possible. Whoever gets the most families won (rules of the game in French and English on 2 of the 44 cards).
"Why is the oboe giving the" la "to the orchestra? " "Who was Antonio Stradivarius? " "What instrument has the role of the cat in" Peter and the Wolf? "
A comprehensive explanatory booklet tells anecdotes and funny stories about each instrument. It is aimed at older children, parents or teachers, who can tell the children.
Instrument Families: Wood, Keyboards, Strings, Brass, Percussion, Ancient Instruments, Instruments of the World.