RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau fa dièse mineur op. 39-3 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau fa mineur op. 33-1 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau la mineur op. 39-2 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau la mineur op. 39-6 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau mi bémol majeur op. 33-4 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau mi bémol mineur op. 33-3 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau mi bémol mineur op. 39-5 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ré majeur op. 39-9 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ré mineur (op. 33) (appendice) RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ré mineur op. 39-8 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau si mineur op. 39-4 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau sol mineur op. 33-5 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ut dièse mineur op. 33-6 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ut majeur op. 33-2 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ut mineur (op. 33) (appendice) RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ut mineur op. 39-1 RACHMANINOV SERGEI - Etude-tableau ut mineur op. 39-7
With his Studies-Tables, Rachmaninov continued the path traced by Chopin and Liszt in their respective concert studies: the highest technical requirements are integrated into pieces of very expressive character. Rachmaninov composed two cycles, each originally comprising nine Studies-Tables. However, he withdrew shortly before going to press three pieces from opus 33. Some posthumous editions have reconsidered this decision - this edition, however, sticks to six pieces in opus 33, arranged in the order that Rachmaninov had itself planned for publication. The two Studies which were kept, but which were not originally published, are reproduced as an annex to this Urtext edition.